Patrick Furtak

Full-stack Developer based out of Atlanta.

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Languages and Technologies

My most frequently used tools


Build dynamic and attractive websites that respond to user action


JavaScript library that excels in creating responsive, single-page applications


Relational and non-relational databases PostgreSQL and MongoDB


Backend JavaScript that builds fast, scalable web applications

about image

Patrick Furtak

Car geek. Video game nerd. Passionate programmer.

Living in a military family, I have resided all across the country. From San Diego, to Philadelphia, to Minneapolis, and now Atlanta; my ability to adapt to new situations has been tested.

I get substantial joy out of learning, and then building new things with that acquired knowledge. Programming is an outlet for my creativity and is a very challenging, yet fulfilling journey. Learning a new technology can definitely be a test, but it is grit and tenacity that will carry you to the finish line. I look forward to building responsive, scalable web applications with you. Let's get to work.

Recent Projects

Web applications I've built

Business inventory management solution. EnvEcho was built to help internal IT departments keep track of their infrastructure. Complete with a feature rich Django admin console for posting articles to a Postgres database.

Single-page, mobile first React application for viewing data from NASA's public image library API. Written with React Hooks and navigation is managed with React Router.

Lendster is a full-stack MERN application that has user password hashing, authentication with json web tokens, and protected routes.


Contact Info

I am currently living in the greater metro Atlanta area, however also open to relocation and remote opportunities. Send a message and let's build great things together

Atlanta, USA
